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Guitar tab Exercises in a minor : tab of Scales and arpegios in guitar pro file (gtp, gp5) - 1001 tabs

The Exercises in a minor guitar pro tab (Scales and arpegios), to be opened with the software Guitar Pro. If you have others Scales and arpegios tabs, do not hesitate to contact the 1001 tabs team.

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Exercises in a minor

Genre : Exercises
Artiste : Scales and arpegios
Tablature A major improvising licks (2)
Tablature A minor exercise
Tablature A minor pentatonic positions & single string doria
Tablature Arpège 1
Tablature Arpège 2
Tablature Arpège 3
Tablature Arpège 4
Tablature Arpège 5
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